Scientific Board
The Scientific Board (SB) is designed to provide high level supervision of network's integration activities and to promote and assess the scientific quality of the network. The SB is delegated to manage and direct the overall development of the project and its scientific and technological objectives. It will promote and assess the quality of the work; define mechanisms for implementing major technical decisions; identify the need for significant changes in the work plan and oversee the delivery of all work packages. The SB is composed of the Project Coordinator and all Work Package Leaders.
The SB will monitor the scientific and technical direction of the project and review and/or amend the work plan as required, approve major technical decisions, recommend financial and other resource allocation and approve periodic and final progress reports. It will:
- Promote and assess the scientific quality of the activities and approve all official deliverables
- Decide and approve any budget variances.
- Review and/or amend the work-plan, cost or time schedule under the EC Grant Agreement.
- Identify project-level risks, track them, and propose corrective action in the event of problems.
- Resolve problems, proposing corrective actions and ensuring all partners meet their obligations.
- Support the Project Coordinator in coordinating the project's efforts for review meetings.
- Identify and decide any replacement for individual involved in the project, if needed.
The Scientific Board can appoint specific committees for carrying out well-defined tasks such as, for example, assessing the requests for the visitor program or applications to competitive calls that will be issued by the Network.
The Scientific Board will meet physically twice a year. In between the SB will hold monthly Skype or teleconference meetings. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for invoking the SB meetings and will chair them.